



How Acupuncture may Boost Immune System during Winter Time

The lovely autumn season is almost over and we are now preparing to enter our winter; but little did we know that flu virus normally spreads easily in cold weather than hot weather. Regular acupunctu...

What is cosmetic acupuncture and its benefits

All of us like the idea of aging gracefully, but in today’s busy and stressful lifestyle it is impossible for anyone to look fresh as dew all the time....

How Emotion Can Affect Couple to Conceive

Having an intimate relationship between couples is highly important and considered as a fundamental human need. In our everyday basis, emotions play a big role in the development and maintenance of...

Period Pain

Period pain is technically called dysmenorrhea in Western medicine. Period pain happens from your early teenagers up to the menopause. About 80% of women have dysmenorrhea at some stage during their ...

Beans Consumption and Fertility

Beans and lentils, despite their small size, contain a very high amount of nutrients in it, such as protein, folic acid, and iron....

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PID

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID occurs when an inflammation and infection occurred within the female pelvic area, like the cervix, endometrium, fallopian tubes or ovaries. The infection often occur...

Lifestyle and Fertility

About 10 to 15 percent of the couples in the world suffer from infertility. Lifestyle factors play an important role in fertility. Lifestyle factors are ways of life and modifiable habits that can inf...

The Role of Enzymes in Fertility

What are Enzymes? Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyse or speed up the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes are important as they are needed in order for a chemical reaction to occur at rates...

Other Alternatives to IVF

Fertility specialists usually recommend couples who want to conceive to try other alternatives first before going for IVF. Not only IVF procedures can be very expensive but it also takes lots of effor...

How Chinese Medicine Enhance Fertility ?

Chinese medicines have been around for more than 2000 years and have improved well-being for so many people around the world. There are so many functions that couple can benefit from Chinese medicine ...

How Acupuncture Can Improve Patients with PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (P.C.O.S., for short) is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of sex hormones in a woman’s body. This can happen in teenagers as well as adults. One of the primary ...

How spicy food affect infertility ?

It is important for a couple who would like to conceive to consider a healthy diet. In this case, it is best to consume a different kind of food. There is no doubt that nutrition is essential for your...

The Importance of Protein Intake for Couples Trying to Conceive

Nutrient intakes in foods play an important role in couples’ fertility. Based on a famous study called the “fertility diet”, in which it was followed by nearly 18,000 women trying to conceive an...

How Exercise Affects Your Fertility

Many of you might be confuse is exercise has a good impact or bad ones to fertility level. This article will explain to you the benefits of regular exercise for women who want to conceive. However, th...

Healthy Diet Benefits for Infertility

Food and nutrition play a crucial role contributing to a healthy body and reproductive system. In fact, the building blocks for hormones are found in the food we consume. For instance, antioxidants in...

Preparation for natural fertility over 40

These days couples are trying to conceive late in their life cycle as more and more of them are focusing on their career goals and travelling. There is good and bad sides of this, the good side is of ...

How to Balance Your Hormones After Birth Control

Many people today has been using birth control since they are teenagers and some of the doctors actually prescribed birth control to some of their patients who suffer from Endometriosis or PCOS. Birth...

Male Fertility – Azoospermia Fertility

Usually there is 1 in every 20 males have some kind of infertility. There are different kinds of cases of male infertility such as; different shapes, no tails, two heads or no sperms at all. The male ...

Recovery After Women Gave Birth To A Child

How husband can support his wife after labour and conceive another one sooner? After labour, a mother really need the support from her husband in order for her to recover sooner from delivering a baby...

Endometriosis Diet

Painful menstruation could be the symptom of Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disorder where endometrium found outside the uterus instead of inside. It could also lead to infertility issues for tho...

Natural Fertility

At Dr Christine Fertility Clinic, we encourage women to conceive naturally by going to regular acupuncture treatments combine with Chinese herbal medicine. We believe that women should monitor their b...

How lifestyle may impact male infertility

How lifestyle may impact male infertility It has been known for centuries that women always blamed for the cause of infertility that happened in couple. However, did you know that male factor happens...

Post Natal recovery through Acupuncture

Our acupuncture fertility clinic is not only focusing on fertility for couples who want to conceive, but we also focus on helping new mothers for post-natal recovery through acupuncture. Acupuncture p...

Male Fertility and Acupuncture

The role of acupuncture in male fertility is very essential as it will increase the sperms count as well as improving the quality of the sperms (motility, numbers and shape). Over the past decade, mal...

Role of Acupuncture in Pregnancy Care

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Now that you are pregnant, what are the things that are necessary and important for the growth of the fetus inside your womb? We believe that acupuncture has a signi...

Why Acupuncture?

Our goal is to not only to help our patients to get to their optimum health and well-being, but also to assist women to conceive. There has been numerous use of acupuncture for treatment of varying d...

Top 11 Fertility Superfoods

1. Asparagus. It contains folic acid. It is always strongly recommended for women who try to conceive to consume folic acid supplements. According to study, it can reduce the risk of ovulatory failur...

How effective is Acupuncture in helping women with endometriosis to conceive naturally?

What is Endometriosis and the symptoms? Women who experiencing difficulty in conceiving could have endometriosis symptoms. Around three quarters of them would have painful menstruation or pelvic pain....