How to Balance Your Hormones After Birth Control

Many people today has been using birth control since they are teenagers and some of the doctors actually prescribed birth control to some of their patients who suffer from Endometriosis or PCOS. Birth control could reduce pain, reduce the incidence of ovarian cyst or regulate your cycle for some time. However, this is just a short term relief because once you stop taking the pills then the symptoms will come to the surface again. Therefore, it is recommended for couples who want to conceive to stop from taking birth control. We will explain in the next paragraphs how to balance your hormones after birth control.

The first step is to Nourish and Cleanse the body.

  1. Fertility Cleansing

The body has lost some of the nutrition when using the birth control and therefore it needs to be nourished by using herbs. Not only that, but the liver has to metabolize synthetic hormones and becomes overloaded and taxed during birth control use. The liver helps remove toxins and some of fertility cleanses to remove excess hormones. We do recommend Chinese Traditional Medicine because it has been proven for thousands of years.   The Chinese herbs will nourish the body and help liver function normally again. The Chinese herbs will also supportive, toning and cleansing for the uterus.

Secondly, fertility cleansing is an excellent way for couples who want to conceive to create a clean slate and helps the body to respond and utilize other natural remedies better. Hence, fertility cleansing will increase their chance to get pregnant.

  1. Fertility Diet

The change of lifestyle is also very important as this will improve your body to balance the hormones. Healthy diet is strongly recommended for couples who want to conceive.

Did you know that birth control or pills will have some permanent damage to the healthy gut bacteria? That is why it is recommended to consume yogurt, pickles and sour cream to provide the body with probiotics or good bacteria.

Birth control also affects the levels of Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, and folic acid. Therefore, it is necessary to take multivitamin, or supplements and whole food iron supplement.  Taking good probiotic supplement is also good because it will balance and maintain the pH levels in the vagina.

Eating plenty of foods that has high in calcium also is strongly recommended, since the use of birth control can also thin the bones. The food includes spinach, broccoli, sesame seeds, seaweed, chia seeds and cottage cheese.

The next stage after cleansing is Herbal support

The purpose is to restore the ovulation process and improve hormonal balance.

There are some herbs that are recommended for couples:

  1. Fem rebalance

You can get the supplements in any chemist store. This Fem Rebalance will help couples to balance their hormones and reduce stress as well as rapid weight loss or gain. The herbs include Licorice Rt., Vitex, Chaste tree berry, Rhodiola, borage, Maca, vervain root , sarsaparilla root, wild yam root and black cohosh.

It is best used for couples who go through a stage of healing after birth control as pregnancy preparation but not used while trying to conceive. The reason being is because the body needs at least 3-6 months to heal without actively trying to conceive.

  1. Maca

This is known for one of the superfood for male fertility. However, this can also support female’s endocrine system and this root is very nourishing to the body. This will support holistic hormonal balance and reduce stress.

  1. Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis)

This will nourish the body and promote the blood flow in the pelvis region. It can be used as females’ tonic and fertility herbs and it is highly recommended for those who try to conceive. This is also part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is one of the well-known ingredients that Dr Christine

  1. RejuvaFlow

This supplement will help you to ‘build the blood’ so that your menstruations period will be regular/normal again. Once your menstruation cycle becomes regular, then healthy cervical mucus production will be restored. This will increase the fertility level also for those who try to conceive.

  1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

This has been used by many Chinese people since thousand years ago and has been proven that some of the herbs can enhance the fertility level. At Dr Christine Cui clinic we have our own TCM and they are plant based. This will also improve the blood flow in the pelvic region and nourish the body and balance your hormonal level. We can ensure you that there will be improvement in the body once you have started to take this Chinese medicine.

Stage 3.   Acupuncture and Fertility massage

Once the body has been healed and menstrual cycle has been restored, then the cervical mucus will also be produced. The couple can try to do some acupuncture or fertility massage to improve their fertility level.

At Dr Christine Cui clinic, we offer acupuncture for couples who want to conceive. The acupuncture stimulation of the reproductive, endocrine and neurological systems is aimed at ensuring an internal environment that supports reproductive health, fertility, healthy conceptions for women and men.

For women, Acupuncture not only stimulates the body’s ‘happy hormones’ (Endorphin), providing natural pain relief and easing anxiety, but also stimulates the normal flow of energy (Qi) through the body, providing a safe, drug-free and highly effective method for restoring mental, physical, emotional and hormonal balance.

Discover more about our range of services and treatment options by contacting our team and find out why people from North Melbourne to Sandringham visit Dr Christine. Make an appointment by calling (03) 9820 8651 and we will be happy to discuss your requirements and arrange a consultation. You can also leave your details in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
