Preparation for natural fertility over 40

These days couples are trying to conceive late in their life cycle as more and more of them are focusing on their career goals and travelling. There are good and bad sides of this, the good side is of course to achieve the dreams of their own business. However, the side effects will be on their fertility because we need to accept the fact that after the age of 35, women’s fertility decline quite significantly. So, how can couples overcome this fear? Is it still possible for women over 40 to be conceived? How many percentage of chance that couple over 40 can get pregnant?

This article will discuss the above issues and how to overcome or be prepare for natural fertility for couples who want to conceive over the age of 40.

First of all, we need to understand the change in women’s menstrual cycle when they reach 40.  The condition of normal functioning follicle happens when the estrogen levels increase and signal the pituitary gland to release LH (Luteinizing Hormone). This LH then signals follicle to open and release a mature egg (ie. ovulation). After ovulation, then the corpus luteum triggers the progesterone level to increase and causing it to develop to be capable of nourishing a growing embryo.

As women reach 40, less and less menstrual cycle happens, this means there is a lesser chance to get pregnant. Menopause is confirmed when women do not get their period for the whole year. This will vary for women, but it can happen between the ages of 40 to 55. Menopause could take 1-7 years to complete. During perimenopause (the stage before menopause), a woman over 40 can still conceive naturally and carry a baby to a term.

How to prepare for natural conception for women who are in perimenopause (ie. over 40)?

1. Fertility Diet

Fertility diet includes consuming only organic food (IE. meat, vegetables, eggs, etc.).

Add some Superfoods in your diet, such as Maca, royal jelly, egg, banana, broccoli, asparagus, avocado, spirulina, etc. Try to eat food with high in folic acid, antioxidants, green food and Omega 3.

2. Acupuncture

At Dr Christine clinic, we suggest that couple come and do acupuncture often as possible which may improve their fertility level of getting pregnant. There are many couples over 40 who are able to be conceived at age of over 40 with acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture may increase the blood flow in women’s pelvic region and improve the hormones to produce progesterone and therefore increasing the chance of couple to get pregnant.

3.  Healthy Lifestyle

These include exercise; do not drink alcohol, no soda of any kind, no smoking, almost no sugar, and no trans-fats, no artificial.

The exercise includes the following:

  • Fertility yoga
  • Meditation
  • Swimming
  • Pilates
  • Walking
  • Kegel exercise (IE. contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles repeatedly)

4. Start to chart your cycle using the BBT Chart

It is now important if you are willing to get pregnant any time soon to chart your cycle. Therefore, you will know when you will be ovulating and when is your peak time. Women usually become fertile 2 or 3 days after menstruation. Do try to have intercourse on the day of ovulation. It is also strongly recommended for couples (men and women) to do acupuncture during ovulation as this may increase your chance to get pregnant.

5. Improve level of Cervical mucus

By drinking plenty of water (IE. 8 glasses or more), take omega essential fatty acid supplement daily), taking herbs.

6. Chinese medicine

Take Chinese medicine in conjunction with the acupuncture may improve your fertility level. This Chinese medicine will also increase the production of cervical mucus as well as nourishing the body as a whole. Hence, may enhance the chance of natural conception for women over 40.
