Dr Christine Cui 13 May 2022
Miscarriage could be both physically and emotionally painful to the mother. A miscarriage is defined as the loss of the baby before 20 weeks of pregnancy. When it is after 20 weeks, it is called a stillbirth. Some women experience miscarriage without even realizing that they were pregnant in the first place. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle at all times is very crucial in reducing the risks of miscarriage.
A study and research showed that women with lower intakes of greens, and fruits, coupled with higher intake of fat showed a higher risk of spontaneous early miscarriage. Having and maintaining a well-balanced diet as a lifestyle, will not only benefit yourself but will also prepare your body for having an optimal condition for the foetus well-being.
Quitting alcohol completely is also considered as the safest approach when you are pregnant or even when you\'re trying for a baby. Alcohol is passed from the blood through the placenta, and to the baby when drinking alcohol. The same goes for smoking. Each cigarette contains more than 4000 chemicals, which entered your lungs and then passed down to the baby across the placenta. Nicotine substance in the cigarette narrows the blood vessels, thus reducing the amount of blood flowing in the placenta. This also means less oxygen and nutrients could reach the baby as blood carries both oxygen and nutrients.
Try avoiding certain foods too, as some substances or tiny parasites might live in some foods, which will cause harm to the baby. Below are the lists of the foods that are best to be avoided during pregnancy:
As there could be a risk of catching toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Ensure that the meat you eat is well-cooked when you are pregnant.
Listeria could be found in certain soft cheeses, such as: brie, camembert, blue, etc.
It is the safest to consume eggs that are fully cooked. Try avoiding recipes that contain raw egg in them, such as mousse or mayonnaise. The risk of salmonella is high in uncooked/raw eggs and it could cause food poisoning, harming the baby.
Consumption of caffeine is almost unavoidable with most people lifestyle nowadays. Caffeine can be found, not only in coffee but also in tea, cola, soft drinks and even chocolate. Caffeine can go across the placental barrier freely, reaching the foetus easily. This means that the caffeine concentration in the foetus is the same as the one in the mother. However, a foetus has low levels of enzymes enough to metabolize the caffeine. A research showed that increasing daily dose of caffeine intake was correlated to an increased risk of miscarriage compared with no caffeine intake at all. The Adjusted Hazard Ratio (AHR) of the consumer with lower caffeine intake (less than 200mg/day); was 1.42, compared to higher caffeine level intake (more than 200 mg/day) was 2.23.
Another popular topic among risk of miscarriages is the effect of physical activities. Exercising during pregnancy has few potential health benefits,
such as: increasing energy, decreased risk of pre-eclampsia, improving circulation, weight control, etc. However, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before exercising during your pregnancy.
It is very important to ensure that the exercises are safe for both the mother and the baby. Choose light-to-moderate activities, and avoid heavy and strenuous physical activity as it could affect the oxygen transfer to the foetus. Avoid any activities that could contribute to the risk of: falling (i.e. skating or horse riding), stroked by hard projectile objects (i.e softball), significant changes in pressure (i.e scuba diving), etc.
Also, avoid all kinds of activities that involve heavy lifting. A research showed that lifting more than 10kg item for more than 50 times a week is associated with more than a three-fold elevation in risk of miscarriage. Lifting and bending postures could increase the intra-abdominal pressure, which can lead to decreased blood flow to foetus.
If you need consultation or assistance or enquiry please do not hesitate to contact us on 9820 8651 or email: info@medccc.com. We are looking forward to assist you.