PMS stands for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome; which is a condition where the estrogen and progesterone hormones in women’s body become unbalanced prior to Menstruation. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. There is an estimated 3% to 8% to have severe symptoms case.
Acupuncture can assist women with PMS and may eliminate the symptoms. By stimulating certain areas, acupuncture could help to balance the hormone of estrogen and progesterone. It also provides deep relaxation to the brain and hence may stabilize hormone imbalance in a woman’s body (Source: Click Here).
By using Chinese medicine, women may also benefit in their wellbeing. For example, increasing more nourishment to their blood and regenerating the body fluid. Women should also exercise regularly at least three times a week to improve blood circulation. Therefore, it may reduce the symptoms as well.
UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection also called as acute cystitis or bladder infection. Women are usually more affected than men in the case of UTI. It is necessary to see your doctor or Chinese acupuncturist to deal with this problem. If not treated properly, this can lead to your kidneys and can result in complications (Source: Click Here).
Acupuncture is the better alternative compared to antibiotics when it comes to treating UTI in women because women who have a UTI tended to take large doses of antibiotics prior to an infection; which only increases bacterial resistance (Source: here ).
According to research from the American Journal of Public Health in October 2002, it finds that the result of having acupuncture treatment was highly successful in treating UTI. The study concludes that the infection reduced to more than 50% in six months following the treatment. The study included 94 women who have been diagnosed with UTI aged 18-60 and were given both Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine twice a week (Source: NCBI ).
Another study also indicated that acupuncture can also reduce the recurrence rate among cystitis-prone woman to half the rate among untreated women. In conclusion, acupuncture combines with Chinese Medicine has proven to be very effective in treating women with UTI (Source: NCBI ).
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