Male Fertility – Azoospermia Fertility


Dr Christine Cui 21 Aug 2020

Usually there is 1 in every 20 males have some kind of infertility. There are different kinds of cases of male infertility such as; different shapes, no tails, two heads or no sperms at all. The male infertility usually cannot be seen with the naked eye.  A semen test is required to see if there is a sign of infertility.

There are many different causes of male infertility; however, we will focus on Azoospermia fertility in this article. Azoospermia Fertility happens when there is virtually no sperm count in each ejaculation.  This kind of infertility in men only present in 2% of the average male population.

The causes of Azoospermia Fertility

Now that the other causes of male infertility explained, we will discuss the main causes of Azoospermia fertility:

  • Genetic
  • Injury to the genitalia
  • Blockage in genitalia
  • Surgery effects on the male reproductive system
  • Infection to male reproductive system
  • Miscellaneous causes such as; illegal drug use, steroids or antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption.

In short, the causes of male infertility are due to either sperm transport or sperm production. There is the possibility of not having sperms at all and the cause of this is because lower semen level.

The cure and treatments for Azoospermia Fertility

Depending on the cause of male infertility, the cure can be from getting prescribed medications to surgery.

For example; if there is blockage in genitalia, then the doctor will suggest you to go for operation.

Acupuncture in conjunction with Chinese herbal medicine can also part of the cure for Azoospermia fertility when the cause is due to hormonal problems.

According to the article wrote by Bidouee F, Shamsa A, Jalali M. regarding the"Effect of acupuncture on azoospermic male", they tested a couple who was trying to conceive. He went to 2 acupuncture treatments every week for 10 weeks. The results shown that his sperm count has increased to 10 million/mL with 10% good and progressive motility and 60% normal shape.

Another research also proved that acupuncture is effective. The research was conducted by Siterman regarding the effect of acupuncture on 26 males with azoospermic fertility. The result shown that seven out of 26 patients had sperms in their ejaculation and surprisingly 4 out of 7 had a sperm count of nearly 100 million/mL.

Another study also conducted by Jason Z Kremer, when analysing the treatment of male infertility to obstructive Azoospermia with Acupuncture and Moxibustion had a positive result. This case report documented a 33 year old male with a history of 10 year obstructive azoospermia and receives acupuncture treatments. Just after three (3) times acupuncture treatments in conjunction with TCM, the couple conceived naturally without any medical assistance.

In conclusion, acupuncture in conjunction with Chinese herbal medicine can increase sperm count because it improves blood flow in testis area. Hence, acupuncture can become cured to patients with azoospermia fertility.


Where to get help and what symptoms do you need to recognize?

It is significant to get a semen test before you can conclude that one male has no sperm count. However there are few symptoms such as:

  • When ejaculate, the volume is low or has strong odor
  • Unusual color of greenish, yellowish, red or brown tinted (blood may be present)
  • When semen is thicker or thinner than normal

If you need consultation or assistance or enquiry please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.