Endometriosis Diet


Dr Christine Cui 25 Apr 2020


greenPainful menstruation could be the symptom of Endometriosis.  Endometriosis is a disorder where endometrium found outside the uterus instead of inside.  It could also lead to infertility issues for those couple who want to conceive. However, the symptoms can be eliminated by having the right diet and healthy lifestyle.

According to research, women with high intake in beef/red meat (ie. every day), most likely to have endometriosis than those who take fruits every day.  Other studies find similar connection between endometrial cancer/fibroids with these eating patterns. Women who ate beef everyday have twice as likely to have endometriosis than those who don\'t.

The research also shown that women, who exercise regularly, will have less endometriosis than those who have low activity density. The result shown that women with average of 2.5 hours of high intensity activity such as cycling or jogging were 63% less likely to have endometriosis.

Dietary fat influences production of prostaglandins could lead to higher production of progesterone, which can influence the growth of endometrial tissue. Prostaglandin is chemical that stimulate uterine contractions and influence ovarian functioning. The painful menstruation is actually due to high level of prostaglandins in your body as well as symptoms of endometriosis. It is very important to change your diet to balance the hormones.


As mentioned earlier, we need to change our diet in order to alter or to balance the hormone of prostaglandins in your body.  The good oils, which are in omega-3 fatty oil group, could lead to good prostaglandin production. Therefore consumption of the following is essential:

  • Oily fish
  • Spinach or other dark green leafy veg
  • Walnut oil
  • Pumpkin seeds

Secondly, increasing fibre intake in your diet can also reduce symptoms of endometriosis.  These foods include:

  • Brown rice
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage
  • Whole grains
  • Oatmeal
  • Beans
  • Fruits
  • Mustard green

Last but not least you can also focus on reducing inflammatory foods such as: Sugar, red meat, fried food, processed food, alcohol and dairy products , food with high saturated fats/oils, eggs, cakes and chocolate.

It is also recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements as these are best source of balanced diet and many of our todays food lack of essential elements. The vitamins that are best to eliminate symptoms of endometriosis include the following:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Selenium

In conclusion the best diet to eliminate symptoms of endometriosis include plant based diet, lesser red meat intake, more fruits and vegetables,  focus on reducing inflammatory food and taking vitamins and mineral supplements.  It is highly recommended to do regular exercise up to three times a week as well to improve your wellbeing. From our clinic experiences, we can have maximum results by having healthy diet in conjunction with acupuncture to eliminate the pain of endometriosis and increasing the chance of conception.